I Believe You Call It...Hate

The face generator in the Souls games is their way of telling you to find a good helmet.

Hegelian dialectics has certainly piqued my interest. I guess I'll finally be getting into Fallout sooner than later.

The comparison was of a movie with another movie.

It's an interesting tension, with a type of character who so completely fits Mann's interests in one way and so conspicuously fails to fit in another. Making this guy Neil McCauley with a keyboard looked like a disaster waiting to happen, so it's nice that Mann seems to have pulled it off.

I love that this is the first comment.

Surely this is homage and not parody, right?

With judicious fast-forwarding you can get through an episode in five minutes!

I don't have a definitive answer, but I recall looking for one when I first discovered the movie and coming away disappointed. Of course, if anyone has better news I would also be happy to hear it!

If you've not seen Harakiri, that's definitely worth a look.

It's gotten to the point where I can read all the reasons a game is crap and know who made it without being told. Way to go Ubisoft!(?)

If only Megaman weren't crosseyed….

Possibly tangential, but this reminds me of my reaction when I jumped into the PS360 generation last year. My most recent console gaming experience at the time had been with the PS2 Shin Megami Tensei games and Dragon Quest VIII, all with a cel-shaded look if not actually cel-shaded. It took a month or more for my

Based on what I've read, the blast processing and Nintendon't lines were both based in the fact that the two systems really were designed for different things. The SNES was built to run RPGs, while the Genesis (like most Sega systems) was more focused on arcade-style action. I'm not knowledgeable enough to say

Sweet, thanks!

Well, my PS Plus subscription is running out in about a month and I don't want to renew it, so I'm going to try to clear out all the games I actually was interested in before that happens. So far I've beaten DmC and Arkham Asylum, which leaves somewhere between four and six games to knock out — with a couple I'm not

It's sad. I just finished Asylum and there's none of that bullshit, and almost everything else about the experience is spot-on. It really makes you feel like Batman, and the art direction to my mind is nearly perfect. It might end up being my favorite in the series by default.

Well they're fifty bucks each on Amazon now if that tells you anything.

Did you get the ice skates? :3

Could you point me at this statement, please? I want to have it on file to laugh at it when Ubi eventually implodes.

To tell the truth, there's a range of reviews that you could call 'mediocre' (like low to mid 70s, or thereabouts) that's become a bit of a sweet spot for me. Maybe it's because SMT Nocturne got scores in that range and I was stupid enough to believe them. So now when a game sounds interesting and gets scores in