I Believe You Call It...Hate

I won't be satisfied until there's a goddamned F-Zero game to go with Captain Falcon.

The Shaq is pretty fantastic camouflage.

I was playing around with Bayonetta, and rolling around with a katana and ice skates is about as much pure fun as I can remember having with a game. I'm torn between diving into the sequel and saving it because great games of this type are so rare.

For what it's worth, I was looking around on Cowboom a couple weeks ago and they had some refurbished systems listed for 280. I've never done business with them myself, but I think they're associated with Best Buy so it's not completely sketchy. Some systems don't come with everything though, not all of them have

I only got mine last week, and the only game I can speak to is Bayonetta (I've beaten it twice in the past month, right now I'd put it on my all-time favorites list, and apparently the sequel is better? Okay.), but I did want to mention a couple of things. First, and I know this has been mentioned before, but it

Anne Bonney is in it, from what I understand. Don't know about the others, though, or what role she plays.

Agreed on all of these (that I've seen) except for Dollhouse. The theme of runaway technology was the most interesting part of the show, to me at least, and the sense that things could always get worse took the show to a place that TV dramas don't usually go. The Big Bad was a mistake, but the big mistake was in

It's bizarre, but they do this over and over again. There was Game Boy Color, DSi, and now New 3DS (that is the actual name). You can see why Game Boy users would want an upgrade, considering how bad the original looked, but the DSi was actually worse than what it replaced. So no, I don't consider it worth

Alright, well that sounds worth a try for ten dollars anyway. Thanks.

My pleasure. I'd be curious to know what you think of Catherine, since I bought it on sale awhile ago, but when I tried to play it I wasn't feeling the bar scenes, so I just basically let it run for awhile while I surfed the internet.

3DS is fantastic, with great first party games (Luigi's Mansion, Link Between Worlds, etc), and if you are into certain genres like JRPGs, it's the system you want to have for those as well. It's also backwards-compatible with the DS, another fantastic system. The big reason not to get one now is that they're

So I downloaded all the DS2 DLC, but I haven't played it because I sort of dread replaying like 40 hours of content to get to it. Do you actually have to do that, or can you access it pretty early?

Fuck that, Barkspawn is the only character I liked!

Yeah, I'm reading the strategies elsewhere in this thread and it just sounds exhausting to play like that. With Dragon Age I was already exhausted by the dialogue trees, so I didn't last very long.

I find RPGs aren't usually worth playing on Hard, because there isn't enough of a skill component to overcome the rejiggering of the numbers.

Yeah, I listened to Obsessed, Spirit Caravan and early Iron Maiden when playing Dark Souls, and with Dark Souls II I listened to…the Black Keys, which doesn't fit nearly as well and I think was to the detriment of both the game and the music.

Binary Domain is like the late 80s grafted onto a modern game, about as successfully as you could expect that to go off. It's basically an 80s ensemble action movie, set in a vision of future Japan from back before the bubble burst (so, like, Patlabor or Bubblegum Crisis or something), along with the plot hook for

My understanding of VC2, and the thing that's kept me from buying it, is that the maps are severely cramped but the classes remain roughly the same, which leads to eg scouts becoming useless and shocktroopers even more overpowered than they were already. Is that not the case?

Wow, I can't believe that's out already. I think I only heard about it a couple of months ago. Enjoy! It's a pretty awesome game, and I might even finish it one of these days.

Interesting. The part of the game that was a snoozer to me was he middle, July through October I think, where you know the general shape of the plot and nothing happens to break up the routine other than some stuff around the margins. I really liked the end, but I guess that's another piece of evidence that I'm not