I Believe You Call It...Hate

I never used to do the game soundtrack thing either, but it seems like more games started going the 80s electronica route right when my tastes started veering in that direction. Games like SMTIV or Hotline Miami have soundtracks I would happily listen to without any connection to the game. That made me reassess game

What the hell is wrong with their heads? The client is weird in a way that I can't really describe, but the assassin's face is obviously a size too big for his head. How much did this game cost again?

Made sure to put a woman in the commercial tho

Not to mention two of the best, most focused action games available for the current gen (or three if you count the original Bayonetta, and if Last of Us counts, why not?).

Bingo. I just did this earlier today. You also get Nintendoland, and if you're like me and that doesn't interest you in the slightest, my friend tells me it's actually a physical copy that you can trade in.

Yeah, I really hope someone announces something interesting for the PS4 pretty soon, because I'm going to feel pretty stupid if I end up buying it just for Bloodborne.

That is a good goddamned question.

How many games do you need to justify a purchase? Soul Sacrifice Delta, Freedom Wars, and P4G are probably enough for me now that the system is 99 bucks, but if you're looking for a DS-style mountain of software I don't think it exists, no.

Plus aren't the cars and guns in GTA pretty much shitty already?

He's in a line of work where you want to be able to offer somebody a light.

Marvel's already gone bankrupt once. Most companies go under because of poor cash flow — I watched it almost happen to my brother this year — and if that's one of your governing concerns, it makes sense not to keep a lot of stock on hand, or shell out monthly for something that people might start buying in six months

I think four years and one or two subpar games (haven't played Shadows of the Damned) is kind of slim evidence that Mikami is past his prime.


I remember it being pretty clear. Didn't the teacher admit to having the hots for a student that turns out to be you?

I'm sure that's true even if he did do it. But what I was getting at is this: I remember now that I heard about this when these allegations first came out, but between then and now I'd forgotten all about it. That is the best result for Cosby, better than ending up in court, whether he is innocent or guilty.

If your wealth depends on your public persona, I'd imagine you don't want to be seen sitting in a courtroom.

…actively searching for her, yet not in the game.

Same dev team!

Ridiculous is not a word I would have thought of. What do you mean?

That's an unfortunate point of comparison with Trigger as well — in Trigger, you've got six characters designed to complement each other in different ways and allow for whatever you're looking for from your playstyle. I always went defensive in prior playthroughs, with Marle and Frog — before a couple months ago I