I Believe You Call It...Hate

Yeah, the people responsible for the overall tone of Chrono Trigger didn't come back for Cross, and the people left minding the store were mostly the team that made Xenogears. They were just interested in different things. A lot of the choices they made seem almost perverse in the way they use the nooks and crannies

Not enough walrus.

And he's Darkseid.

Well, I'd say there are two big moments. The explanation for the big reveal sticks out for me as much as the reveal itself. But yeah, more than four hours I think would be pushing it.

Or jet-pilot rock singers.

Okay, I agree with you as far as it goes, but this seems like a criticism you could apply to most narrative fiction, to the point where you'd almost have to ignore it if you wanted to enjoy anything at all. So why True Detective in particular?

Certainly not the third one.

Being the only person in the room who doesn't think "Christmas Shoes" is heartwarming as it plays on a loop, forever…

Bingo. This is exactly what I do. I don't want to get invested in different tastes or watching styles or whatever. And honestly, how can you expect a personal reaction to develop to a song or movie etc on demand?

I may be remembering it wrong, but it seems to me that Moss' death in the book was rather perfunctory and secondhand.

LOL. The kid obviously has at least one artist parent, because the place you're most likely to see it is as a pigment for blue and green paint.

Like Phthalo? (Actual name from my nephew's day-care)

And even then, the Violent World phenomenon was addressed in my Psych 100 textbook 15 years ago, so…

The average number of murders per year in my city (Seattle) is around 25. That should be a fairly easy number to remember and put into context. But you never hear it. I asked a girl I was dating once how many murders she thought we had every year and her guess was something like 350. I knew that was high, but I

He does pretty well here as an attack dog off his leash. It's one of the reasons this stands out to me from other noirs, and since I haven't seen him in anything else, the idea that he's "too nice" seems a bit…strange.

Did you see the part where they said he was *good*? I think we're being trolled.

This makes me wish I knew more about Scientology so I could make a witty response. Though your post did remind me to take my happy pills, so thanks for that!

When was Haggis ever that well-liked? All I remember is Crash winning Best Picture to the anguished groans of millions.

Can Lindelof write a character who isn't a moronic douchebag? I tried to watch Lost last year and gave up midway through Season 2 because I wanted everyone but the Korean couple dead.

As far as I know there were no Celts 4000 years ago; you'd still be talking about Indo-Europeans that far back. But in the broad strokes this sounds right. There was plenty of east-west movement among the northern nomads for a long time.