
Have to see it in person, but I actually think this LOOKS better in pics than the Escalade.  Lincoln is another matter.....

Excellant points. And with most folks leasing these, well in the terms of a lease that issue will become those problems will become the next owners issues.

Cold weather kills EV range. In some scenarios they cut it almost in half from ‘Rated” range. A range of a little over 200 miles is NOT going to cut it for me. My daily round trip commute is 104 miles in ALL weather and currently (ha ha) there is no charging at work. Factoring in weather degradation, and bettery aging

To be totally fair this problem will likely never be seen in the Big Bronco. There’s marketing hype, and then there is reality the customer is left with.Like it or not, the sport is much less robust than the big Bronco- all marketing hyperbole aside. Its real mission is to take some of the Bronco hype and translate it

Jeep Scalper


1 GM has ONE BEV on sale now, which is on recall due to catching fire. In terms of TODAY they are WAY behind. Future product can be evaluate WHEN it is PRODUCED. Dog and pony shows may wow wall street, raise their absurdly low valuation, but it won’t matter if they can’t produce solid product that people buy with

That a Genesis merits consideration and comparison to a Bentley is a major win for Genesis. Truly the Genesis will likely be the better vehicle for an owner with higher reliability, lower purchase and maintenance costs. BUT the Bentley is a Bentley after all, and that seems to be worth a lot to those who can and do

As one who loves the understated Audi aesthetic I like this BETTER than the Taycan.  C and D found that the Taycan range is very similar in actual driving to the Model S Tesla. A much richer interior ought to sway some.  Very very nice. Maybe in a few years after depreciation slashes the value a bit.....

Actually, correction, make that drive Through proctologists would love this setup.  Just one thought, how do you activate the anti skid technology?

Drive in proctologists would love this car.

Great point. Not everyone is a car enthusiast. Some folks just need to reliably get to work and take the kids to school and go to the grocery. It comes down to needs, and some people CAN’T/won’t work on an old car to keep it running. 

It’s hard to go wrong with a Honda motorcycle. There are competitors, and we are the beneficiaries of competition. The Wing is not “Quite” the performer that the BMW is, but it will likely be MUCH more economical to maintain for riders who keep their bikes for years. And BMWs have had their share of

These guys are always informative and entertaining

I could and possibly WOULD replace my aging but beloved SCION XB with this thing.  Please sell it with a manual transmission!

His fall from grace was sudden, and swift

Mr Stephenson needs to understand this is a truck first and foremost. Truck designs have traditionally, until they became defacto “Cars,” more towards function over style, although they CAN have both.

Snowflake heaven!

It’s VERY possible that until Dec 14 when the election has to be certified that Trump contesting the election may change the outcome of a very close race. Until then folks calm down.  Biden/Harris may well have four years to screw things up their way- or just maybe not.

Great review Jason!! When the new economic reality sets it, post covid, there is going to be a NEED or vehicles that are CHEAP and CHEERFUL. A lot of folks are no longer going to be able, at least short term, to afford what they WANT and will still seek transportation.