
Rational thinking is evident in your reply!! In being honest $49,990 is #10 away from being a $50,000 car. There are taxes and other charges on a car purchase after all....

Comment of the week, in running for best of the month. Congrats, and keep going!!!!

Pretty amazing, and I’ll be really happy to see this keep mainstream automakers on their toes in development of future electrics. My commute is 100miles daily and I looked at a Bolt and was intrigued by the packaging and the range. . Then I actually SAT in the thing, .LORD, I’ve literally sat on planks that hurt less.


To a snowflake a second can be an eternity

I see you are an adult with a working brain who does NOT rely on others to think for them.

Yes, but did you suffer from catastrophic O ring failure?

I support our men and women in law enforcement but DAMN this is egregious and is really bad and is really nothing more than a “License to steal.” For another egregious example do a search for Chicago towing the vehicles of people and holding them for ransom, and then selling them- it’s an entire little industry there. 

At 60k to start this will likely sell well for GM. Just don’t get too crazy with options, and yep, many people lease these type vehicles anyway.....

Unlike Obamacare- if you LIKE your low flow you CANA keep your low flow showerhead.  I know you can’t see the difference, but I’m NOT wrong in pointing it out to you.

The headline BEGS us to question the premise that, to some, has the intensity of religious zeal- are there other factors driving climatic change?

AND it’s harder for mobs to target individual homes scattered over a broad swath of a county

What you REALLY mean is that if the facts don’t suit your narrative you’d rather NOT be bothered with them. Instead of trying to sound like you actually CARE about science perhaps you should join the taliban- oh wait, didn’t work out for them did it?

Bingo!!! And those who try to block roads open to traffic are no longer PROTESTORS, these folks are rioters

That’s NOT what was said and you know it, you simply try to mislead. 

Most jalopniks LOVE the bat guano insane “Hellcats” and understandably so. But what most enthusiasts seldom stop to consider is that without affordable bones to build on enthusiast cars seldom are affordable. The GT 500 is built on the same bones as the 4 cylinder mustangs sold by the thousands. even the vaunted

Murray is walking a very thin tightrope with F1 part deux. It’s REALLY difficult to extend and redefine an icon with a sequel. In movies terms I surely hope Murray ends up with a result more like Aliens to Aliens 2 than Ghostbusters to Ghostbusters 2.

This is NOT BMWs most powerful boxer twin. The liquid cooled 1250 currently is rated at 125hp. It WOULD be correct to say this is the most powerful air cooled boxer engine they have in production however.

Raise the hood in a GT 500, any Dodge “High power” hemi v-8 and the highest power output small block GM and you will find a supercharger staring you back in the face. Superchargers are a great fit when high power output is top priority over ultimate efficiency. The dirty little secret is that full boost and rpms ALL