
Will you dance with the same glee, and speak with the same venom when Bill Clinton, our alleged serial rapist in chief, takes his big dirt nap one day?

Don’t all turds emerge from the ass end?

Crap! I can’t get the image of this truck from my mind. I figured they would be super expensive, not stupid cheap. OH crap, what can leave my driveway to bring one of these babies home?

Relevant today? Absolutely, relevant always. Who gives a shit what modern “Fashionistas” think? I mean really, what’s cool and hot this minute will be irrelevant and passe in a few blinks of an eye. This car is absolutely timeless in its elegance and grace. That type of luxury, attention to detail and craftsmanship

Prayers for those who suffered in this horrid accident. A couple really hard questions come to mind-

When an entry level Camaro with the four cylinder can be optioned up over 40k then the price is too high for most in the market. The two edged sword is that the Camaro is more CAPABLE then even before, but it’s also much more expensive than before. Let’s face it, an entry level BMW has much more cachet and a LOT less

This one is so obvious it’s embarassing- it’s the “Undercover” van they use to change Hillary’s diapers- the backward facing shield is meant to induce a huge suction to eliminate the toxic gasses and byproducts of Hillabustion that spill out when the hermetic seal is opened. The deadly gasses have proven lethal to

Just a thought. Ford’s only bar they have to hit here is the 651 bhp level to outshine the ZL-1. Will they try to take bragging rights away from the Hellcat? In time, we shall know all this engine has to give.

My guess is that this is either the SB version of the Coyote or one that is running sans supercharger being tapped. We know there are ways to bypass the S/c at low speeds and loads. Some s/c even use clutches to disengage them to save the parasitic losses.

WAY past time for charging standards and connectors to be standardized by manufacturers. The computer industry has done this for decades and you can be thankful that your usb cable from 1999 still works, although perhaps at a lower speed than modern cables are capable. Widespread adoption of electric vehicles is only

What’s wrong with me? I feel magnetically attracted to that Red ZL-1 like a moth to a flame.

Sadly, I find I must agree with Tavarish that when sheer engineering brilliance is tempered by the bean counters “Cheapening out” their brilliance into an incredible vacuum cleaner for customer wallets.

Best makeshift vomit receptacle? Any nearby thing that has a Hillary picture on it, a little more won’t hurt....

I lived through the 1960s magic of Shelby with Ford originally, and applauded when he came back to Chrysler in the 80s, then did a stint making an Olds powered vehicle and finally returned to Ford to finish off his moto career. And what a career it was.

Nice write up and some of the best pics I have yet seen of the engineering behind the CTS-V. One of the interesting things is that this car is way over kill for what 99 and 44/100 percent will ever use it for, daily driving.

To get any more capable the “Vette” really needs to go mid engined. Make the current ‘Vette as the “Classic” for the purists if you wish. A Mid engined Corvette has been “Hanging” for some fifty years. Just do it!

It’s always great to see a young person become a racing driver, and if she is a pretty and talented young woman, well, that’s just fine.

Who approved this abomination of common sense? Sergio should lose at least TWO of his sweaters over it.

The electrification of pickups is going to happen, first as a hybrid system to augment low end power and recover the huge amount of energy wasted on braking.

Let’s face it though, most people who want the “In your face” vibe of being holier than thou WANT a vehicle that looks like its ashamed, or even better, slightly crazy in being forced to be an actual vehicle.