
Delorean was a brilliant engineer, and its a darn shame he never got the chance to develop these ideas. His legacy is forever linked to the Silver sports car in the public mind, despite his formidable engineering mind.

I smell BS here. The USA has not complained about our ships overheating, and most of them are powered by similar configurations of gas turbines. Perhaps the famed British reliability rearing its ugly head once again?

PSST- GM, Ford and Sergio- there’s a reason none of the late type wagons have sold- they are useless as wagons. Sure, they have the requisite liftgate, but when I examined a CTS-v wagon I was shocked at how little extra space there was. And the ol’ Dodge wagon on the RWD chassis fared little better- for the same

It’s high time for a common connector standard to be adopted, ideally internationally. We did this with the USB, firewire and other standardized connectors with computers, now it needs to be done with the electrification of the automobile- and the sooner the better.

Sad that fifty years later we don’t have any aircraft that can even come close to this in performance. The top speed of the “Blackbird” was limited by the composite leading edge on the fuselage and wingform. For short bursts of speed the plane could be easily accelerated past its design parameters. The engines were

Please forward this to future President Trump as a method to send the illegals back to Mexico-and Hillary can finally go to the moon.

So what’s wrong with building a modern version of a B52? A bid damn truck to launch missiles. The YOUNGEST B-52 was built in 1962. ‘why reinvent the wheel when you already have one that works?

One of the reasons for this is people texting while driving. You really can’t do two things at once, you just shift your attention back and forth. Many are guilty, I have ridden my motorcycle next to a police officer texting, while driving in his Crown Vic. Witnessed a bicyclist crossing streets without looking while


Surprising pricing, but FCA needs to move the metal now. I do wonder about the durability of the Fiat engine versus the Mazda, especially given Fiat’s rep lately. That said, it is a pretty car and sure to bring some traffic to Fiat showrooms, which is perhaps the main idea.

Pushing what amounts to a large and heavy box down the road and overcoming significant atmospheric drag is pretty energy inefficient. It’s not surprising that it takes similar energy to do so, irregardless of unibody vs frame architecture.

When money infiltrates a sport it becomes corrupted and folks seek an unfair advantage. To those who govern the sport there are incentives NOT to find the cheats, as they need to keep interest high to maintain sponsorship money. It took years for the Lance Armstrong fiasco to officially destroy his empire.

Revolutionary? Are they paring with Dan Gurney perhaps?

FUNNY, and so true in so many cases. LOL

Well, shit!

This flat makes good sense. Harley already has the 500/750 platform, and adventure bikes ARE a thing right now- so why not? Harley really would be well served by having this sector of the market covered, and the 750 makes pretty fair power. Since they have allegedly fixed the front brake I might even look at one.

Good on you my friend. I won’t take the chance in my local traffic anymore when it’s super nasty out, drivers here are dangerous enough when the weather is good- add in some snowy mix, a couple juicy text message and I can become the next grille meat. Keep the rubber side down.

So how is this going to be positioned in terms of pricing? I can see an opportunity to extend the Prius brand for Toyota- but it’s very price dependant.

I’m a motorcyclist and I won’t ride when the roads are slopped with snow and slush- period. I’ll bet you wouldn’t either, yet you still need to get to work- right?

If you have an accident because you were following too closely to someone it’s your fault_ PERIOD. While I hope the idiot was not hurt the accident was solely his fault.