
Really exciting news. I drove by the Wright Factory site with my son a couple weeks ago, we talked about the aircraft built there. Both his grandfathers had met Orville who walked to his workshop each day through the 1940s. A great day for Dayton as we have torn down most of our heritage through the years. Now with

One day we will look back on this and laugh, or maybe cry. Maybe both. LOL

Cadillac used to make cars that were large, in charge, and had room. Now only the Escalade fills the bill. While Cadillac was chasing the BMWs and Mercs on the 'Ring they forgot their customers like to actually take people in the back seat that still possessed a torso, and legs.

Sounds like the old extortion game, played on a corporate scale- you know, "Protection."

Thanks, that helps clear up the details for me.

Great car, lacks distinctive style- looks like a Malibu, and $10k too high.
For 50k there are a LOT of alternatives, and they mostly announce their presence much more loudly. To m any buyers this matters much more than driving dynamics. Sad, but true.

Moto magazines always are sometimes funny. a mainstream bike like a Harley can run a 13 second 1/4 mile and still the editors cry for "More power."

Is it correct to assume this is a modification program to existing aircraft? Thanks for your service to our country!

Many people share your sentiments. I tried to buy a first gen XB, but could not find a nice used one with low mileage at a decent price when I looked. So I bought the golden edition second gen. I love mine, it suits me fine with great room, a relatively small footprint, although still MUCH larger than yours for not

Hoover is an amazing pilot, was fortunate to see him flying at an airshow and I still recall how incredibly smoothly and precisely he controlled the aircraft. Have never seen anyone who could control an aircraft in the same manner. Pick your metaphor, poetry in motion or a ballet in the sky. I can't wait to see the

Scion needs to reinvent the "Box"- well maybe not reinvent it, but bring back a similar sized XB. I own a current gen XB and while its a great and reliable car I initially wanted the last gen car. The old XB was a big hit, and still could be if a similar vehicle was made. Scion made the box style cool and affordable.

Epic fail- burnouts DO NOT work on aircraft.


Yeah what is that thing, sort of a portable, mobile gynecologic device?

The DUEL truck!!!~

Yeah, I can only imagine what the B36 was like to see and hear fly over. Even bigger with more engines, and four jet engines as well.....

I sure hope they bring the airshow back for you folks also. I remember as a kid hearing all the old radials flying overhead from WPAFB nearby. Those old engines sure sound great.

The seventeens are awesome, but there is only one flying B29 right now in the world, although another one is finishing the final touches of the restoration.

I want one. This concept is too good not to make. Cheaper than most motorcycles and standard a/c? For today's new reality this makes damn good sense.

Prior to the airshow in Dayton I was walking to the library and heard a low roar and turned and saw FiFi flying over Dayton. It was absolutely amazing to me, a huge thrill. It was almost as if I traveled back in a time warp.