
I appreciate the refreshing honesty here. Can you share more of why you doubt this will come to fruition?

How about a high powered version that does away with dipwads playing text of the minute when they should be driving, a small button and POOOOF.

Amazing the things that we take for granted and don't even bother to consider in our everyday life. I remember as a child gazing up at aircraft flying from the nearby airport. Last summer I was walking to the library and heard an old sound that awakened a feeling I had not heard in some time- the drone of four

Yes, depending on your needs and desires. Choice is good, and the profits from the "Icing" helps to lower the cost of base models as well.

Great point about "Decontenting," I can think of quite a few instances of this in the past.

Just for fun stand at the entrance to a Harley dealership and try to spread this idea to any prospects entering the optionroom, I mean show room. LOL

Great advice. Used to be getting a car with "All the goodies" got you a car with a bigger engine, more capable suspension and better wheels and tires. Many of the "Goodies" now are just gilding the lilly and add little true functionality to the car. In some cars I actually appreciate a BASE car more because this is

Say it ain't so- LOL

Mr Diaz, I had to read your comments twice, as it just struck me how rare it is to have someone who knows the truth speak the truth. In human factors engineering saying "We've always done it that way" is frightening when the cost of failure is so high in terms of human life.

Thank you for posting this, it is seriously eye AND brain candy.

And now?

Ouch! And very sad.

Now playing

Thank you Paul for posting this story and the video !! I had never heard of this trust and their mission to display mechanical art as it functions. As a motorhead I appreciate that deeply whether wings or wheels. BTW the "Classical" music at the five minute mark is called the "Sabre dance" by Khachaturian-

To recognize possibilities is good, to explore what might have happened. Right now this is a deep dark secret thing, but in time the truth will come out. In time all truth does.

Pictures don't really capture the otherworldly presence of the Blackbird, privileged to have seen it as well as the YF12A version at the USAF museum here in Dayton. Come visit Dayton, the museum is awesome, and thanks to John Glenn, still has free admission. There was some talk years ago when budgets got squeezed that

One more story on this issue of Germany and the bomb-

And now for something outside the box of conventional thinking- Germany may have indeed had the bomb.

What is past is prologue-

No sir, Doug.