
Well, per official photos of the interior of the sole surviving XB-70 the avionics are mostly intact. Many B through G model 52s have been scrapped over the years. Not sure why they would cannibalize what was a fully functional aircraft when it was flown to the museum.

Jason, from your smile you were having a blast. Isn't that what our love for cars is really all about? Congrats on the drive, you lucky soul !

That would be pretty epic !

Pretty stunning actually, that rich blue color will really pop near the ocean where likely owners will live. Does the vent on the bottom of the front fender serve an actual purpose I wonder?

Thank you for this insight. That makes a lot of sense to me. I had read on another site that the only diffs were supposed to be cams, head gasket and of course the clutch. There is a lot of information published as factual that isn't. I appreciate your sharing this.

Meow mix this?

That is a cool video, thank you. Very impressive test.

Thank you for the reply, I enjoy learning about aircraft.

Thank you for your reply. Had no idea that the tires had a high pressure fuse plug in them. I assume this is a safety feature to prevent high pressure blow outs?

Thank you. I love planes, but was not sure about the smoke. I recall a movie about the X-15 where a B-52 landed with the X-15, a large fuel load and no flaps due to an emergency. The tires caught fire after the stop.

The street version is half the price and will come with a warranty. Powertrain differences are supposed to the cams, the head gasket and the clutch, which has one more plate in the racing version. Not sure how one will "Upgrade" the street bike since H2R parts are going to be sold only to those who can prove

This is awesome as well. Actually seeing the engine torque under load is pretty cool as well.Well done!

Hard to imagine that engine sounding any better. Very addictive and intoxicating sound.

In the rejected takeoff test is the smoke that is visible from the wheels from the brakes, or a combination of tire smoke and brake heat?

In old Japan the execs responsible for this debacle would be expected to resign at the very least and possibly commit suicide. Now they likely get payoffs and promotions. uge corps like Takata are the new "Elite" and are "Too big to fail" Expect a fine and as usual.

Fascinating article. To my eyes his inventiveness, showmanship and still being part of the common vernacular almost a century after his death prove Houdini was one of a kind.

There are some really awesome posts here, some weapons I have never seen. I submit that, for my money, the scariest thing is to be sold out, left behind and abandoned when you are giving your all. For that reason, the most frightening, bone chilling enemy to me is the one within.

Good eye. The skirted fender is from the first gen Continental of '42 through '48.

Not just sad, but tragic. Leaving American luxury dying on the table is tragic. Cadillac has largely abandoned this market, except for the Escalade, the last of the old school Caddys. It even has a name.

How could the AF brass not ok the flying hooker?