Piss off. I celebrate when low life scumbags depart this mortal coil.
Piss off. I celebrate when low life scumbags depart this mortal coil.
There went the possibility of Brady making a face while receiving an awkward Trump handshake in front of everyone.
This is a dumb comment. Do better.
That’s not being faithful. That’s being insulting to women.
This whole “OBEY ANY AND EVERY ORDER YOU ARE GIVEN OR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FORFEIT” deal aboard airliners is getting really old.
He’s probably crying because he realizes he needs to spend time in Philadelphia.
“He came back to Dodgers camp and said that he’d never be going back to the WBC again.”
You’re right, they probably didn’t think of doing that.
Boo fucking hoo, you filthy fucking dodger.
If AG really wants to prove something to the WBC, go win a World Series with the Dodgers this year, god dammit.
Said Mexico, “You’ll pay for this.”
Trump: [attempts to read]
Hey, she’s fucked everybody!
That’s the truth. I got back into news after Sept. 11, and watched the national/local press just fucking fall into line.
Oh no, I sincerely think he should get fucked.
They helped GW invade a country.
Hey, he’s a “Senior Writer” show some respect!
Well San Diego, you’ve always got the Chargers. Wait.
“Free ride” conjurs up Melania, then remember it was more like $55/hour.
Yeah a “free ride,” to basically work a job so that the school administration and coaches could get paid the big bucks.