You’ve misspelled
You’ve misspelled
Senator Larry Craig doing your audio?
Beltran is 40/nice rental, then a 1-year deal, somewhere.
They quit pretty good in the 2004 ALCS.
The (one, only) moment when Roger Goodell is the better of the two men talking.
856am “So that’s what she looks like.”
That’s just socialism/s
I get the hesitance, what with what, 4% of the league’s players black?
Believe that’s Larry Bird.
Overthinking this choice in a campaign in which some guido fuckstick controls roughly 30% of the white trash populace is amateurish.
Of course not. LOL.
Good kinja, or you eat your mom’s ass in Indy.
Sports stuff, ranked:
Huh? I was like, who the fuck writes this piss, then checked and yeah, sure as fuck jezebel.
Did the Brazilian chick use an illegal knee on Tate, as many people claim?