The art the figure drawing and backgrounds look solid but the layout doesn't have the simple eloquence of the original.
The art the figure drawing and backgrounds look solid but the layout doesn't have the simple eloquence of the original.
Actually genres were created in classical Greece by Plato and Aristotle who divided literature into drama, prose and poetry long before the existence of retail stores.
"It's very blocky and stocky, with the same kind of chunky aesthetic that characterizes " ... all of Kevin Eastman's art work from Mirage Studios.
Probably because the artist is a 2nd grader.
This reviewer obviously can't see past the swords, battles and tits. I've read all of the books to date and watched the series from episode one. As a series of novels they are more political thrillers that happen to have a fantasy setting than a traditional "Tolkienesque" heroic fantasy. As TV series it comes across…
Ned never was the "central" character. Every character is the "central" character from his or her own point of view. That's part of Martin's point. We are all heroes of our own story.
He should play Raul Kirk's space Samoan attorney Dr. Gonzo. While high on space ether, he steals Spock's brain and takes it to Space Vegas, the gambling planet. While on Space Vegas, Raul Kirk's 250 word log entry grows into the novel Fear and Loathing on Space Vegas: A Savage Journey into the Heart of the Federation…