
Reminder: The concept of the Rapture (as a separate and distinct thing from Jesus’s return) was invented by a handful of American evangelicals in the 17th century, and it didn’t really become a commonly understood thing until the 1950s. Jesus never mentions it, and most Christian denominations do not embrace the idea

Have you heard the Good News?

Republicans are doing what now? Sorry, I was busy watching the Kardashians. 

I want you to remember that when somebody who you care about loses health insurance or when medicare and social security is raided during the next recession and you are left with nothing. In this country, where we spend what we spend on the military and leave our elderly eating cat food. When people die because it’s a

I’ve been advocating this solution for several months now.

Bullshit. They just rammed a bill through that is going to kill thousands of people. Violence begets violence. Eat the rich.

Yeah, I’m a veteran here to tell you that the level of armament and funding in Helmand Province, Afghanistan is laughable compared to what an insurgency in America would scrounge up. We’ve spent most of the past two decades getting our ass handed to us by the Taliban, and we’ve stoked enough racism in the armed, the moral of the story is that no matter whether it’s democrat or republican, you are fucked either way?

And them killing the poor and children and retirees is cool?

I’ll see your democratic shithole of Illinois and raise you the republican shithole of Kansas.

The committee for public safety is concerned about your well, lack of concern for public safety.

Counterpoint: “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Nope. It’s a pretty apt response for the enemy of the people and country.

Wishing for The Reign of Terror? Nobody is wishing for it. Wishing implies that there is a question of whether it will or will not happen.

I’m thinking quite a bit about knitting today.

I so agree with this, but have a ... I guess personal... ‘stumble’ with it. The donkey in the room is the current tax reform, I literally just asked on my facebook yesterday something along the lines of should I read it - news sources are typically biased in some direction, so you need to digest it yourself to make