
You make good points, and a football team is run by a despot. Like you said, it’s more about “RESPECT MY AUTHORITY” than anything else.

Are these grown men or what? Do you need your boss to tell you to remember to wear pants? What the fuck dude.

Deadspin has such a stick up their asses about the Patriots, and really anything Boston related.

Very true. It’s a personal battle of mine - to expand my repertoire. Sorry if I sounded like a dick!

Love this

Can confirm. I am actually a ghost who communicates virtually because I died from smoking too much weed. (Also in MA, sorry - was in MA)

It’s my opinion that we should let North Korea “win” this dispute. Let them back into the fold of global trade sanction-free.

This makes a lot of sense.

Hot take: Get Out was way overrated. I was left with a big “ok, sure shrug” at the end.

If it’s a diner - I get the turkey dinner every time. For any other place, it’s establishment specific.

But why? To make you happy?

I am a picky eater who does the same thing - I go to several places and order the same thing each time at them. I agree with our salty server - by tipping well, you go from “weird guy” to “Oh, it’s BLT with BBQ on toasted bun guy, I love him!”

I still am waiting for my company to provide me with a computer that’s faster than my hands, eyes, and brain. I am surprised that it’s 2018, and a laptop computer still can’t keep up with me.

Squares who are likely on multiple medications (cholesterol, high blood pressure, viagra, old man ailments, muscle relaxers, percs, and who knows what else) can take their opinions on marijuana and shove them up their drug addled hemmroidal asses.

I’m a Pats fan (shhh) and am terrified about seeing the Chiefs in the playoffs. I assume Smith will be back however? Mahomes was just a showing last week?

None of those stats are meaningful compared to the eye test. If you can’t even win one Cy Young, any discussion about being one the best of your generation is out the window. I am sure there are examples either way, but I watched Mussina quite a bit, and stand by my statement. He was a very good pitcher. But not

I have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds bad and I’m glad people like you know what you’re doing.

It seems more and more likely that the plot of Ghost Fleet will prove true. The Chinese will simply take over all of our electronics and that will be that.

I liked the pepper melange - red, white, black, and pink? peppers in a grinder. Gives more flavor than just black pepper.

Bruh. So true. Every kid I know has a vintage 1880-1920 style name.