
Does the rest of the world have a contingency plan if NK leaks radioactive material into the ocean? If so , what exactly is the plan.

When you are cleaning and cooking then you doing your other parenting duties so its ok to distract the kids with youtube for a while. Occasionally , if you’re too tired and just want to de-stress with a cup of tea so you let your kids watch youtube is fine as well.   There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. That

Im not sure what your question is asking. Youtube gave the most perfect answer ever by admitting that their algorithms are not perfect. Lets say i worked for Youtube and managed to make an algorithm that is 100% safe, I would still publicly announce that parents must not rely on Youtube to babysit their kids and maybe

I do not believe in handing off the kids to Youtube while the parents do something ( more fun). I could never agree to it. Some form of supervision is needed even if Youtube were to say their algorithms are 100 perfect. Being a parent is more than just contributing sperm or egg to produce a child. Spending time

I think for Youtube to admit that their algorithms are not to be depended on by parents to look after their children is the perfect answer they could ever issue. They do not want parents to hand off their kids to Youtube to be parented because its not their job to parent the kids! Are you going to criticise Youtube

Is Kanye an Uncle Tom? I dont know why but I feel compelled to use that word on him.

I admit. I didnt read the clippings that were shown at the beginning because I saw that guy from The Office with a beard and I was contemplating if I should grow one too. [Jimmy Kimmel grew a beard and suddenly looked hot too btw]

The scenes were scary and suspenseful IF the moviegoer is willing to overlook a few things.
1) how did the monsters get there? Who are they?
2) why didnt the town folk move away? Was the whole planet taken up by these monsters.
3) Whats up with the nail on the step that the wife stepped on? No one puts a nail on a

I see Satan and Lucifier as brothers with what we refer to as the Holy Spirit has the parental part of God.

To these people, it takes a leap of faith to belive in Darwinism but it does not take a leap of faith to believe in God.

I need to see their paperwork. They have been known in the past to falsify research. It’s an amazing discovery and I hope its true but I need their data confirmed by a 3rd party research before I jump for joy.

It’s amazing people still think that women are not as capable as men. I agree that men and women have different talents but the differences complement each other. Its so shocking!

not all bugs will be fixed but the major ones would be noticed from the get go.

Another mistake:
-Do NOT buy it when it is just released.
Wait for about 2 weeks so that bugs can be discovered and rectified. Remember when Samsung Galaxy Tabs came out? The auto-rotate had no lock. Let other people discover the bugs, then let the companies fix it and only then you buy it.
*This tip applies to

Maybe they should investigate the reason why animals even have tails in the first place. A rabbit has no reason for one ( except to look cute). Nor does a dog need one except to wag it ( on my face when Im sleeping).

But my phone only rings when I’m in the bathroom! I could be beside it all day and it wont ring but as soon as I step in the bathroom to do something it rings. Incidentally, FedEx only comes when Im not home!

I came here to bitch about blockchains a well but you beat me to the punch!!

Shit and I just finished my research paper entitled ..
“Evidence-based research on the entitlement of a vulnerable science-based transgender fetus”

i never bestow a slow clap honour to anyone so when i do, you know you have earned it!