Francis Parsons

If you don't have at the very least Chuck Berry's two disc anthology set, then you don't know anything about rock and roll. That's not hyperbole. That's just fact.

He's very wealthy, adored, handsome, happily married, and does a job that he loves and has fun doing it. and has the leisure time to do what he wants, so… relatively?

I'd love for a journalist with balls to say, "I'll get back to that vague pseudo-answer nonsense about a lot of great things happening in our country in a minute, but first, can you tell me anything about Andrew Jackson? You say you've read a few pages of a book about him. What number president was he, for example?

This is such a shame, because I have loved Iron Fist as a character for decades, and because the Luke Cage series is just so incredibly well written and smart and knowing. This show seems to just be a dud all around.

Me too. I think about 75% of those were pure gold.

Pfff. Who died and made him Supreme Pontiff?

I would have. I like where this is going.

No fooling, this is probably my favorite U2 song.

Well, that's certainly something I don't care about at all!

Who do you work for? Maybe we can come to an arrangement.

Now that's just plain good business savvy.

Outraged. Cancel my subscription.

I think that would be fantastic. Now, given his power level, Spider-Man could obviously destroy Kingpin in a fight using only his left hand to bitch-slap and promising to keep two feet on the floor at all times. [The classic comics matchups were explained away by some Marvel editors as Spidey having guilt complexes

"If there’s one complaint, the bottom of the container gets oily as all hell."

That's hilarious. You really have to be totally unfamiliar with fiction of any kind not to immediately notice that fake quote is an obvious attempt at Humorously Bad Writing.

Oh Trumpy, will you ever win?

Your impression is incorrect. You have made some completely unsubstantiated assumptions because you are a smug hipster who thinks popular things are bad. Now don't you feel silly?

I'll just flip to that part.

Iron Fist is my favorite, but, my god, man, he has a BEARD!

I couldn't finish it.