Francis Parsons

You may enjoy it… sparingly.

I loved Party Down!!!

When you're a journalist, you can just grab 'em by the lady-protagonist.

That reporter is a stuttering buffoon with a list of stupid questions and no ability to actually interact or have a conversation with a subject, and Jerry Lewis was right to treat him with contempt.

Well, let's just agree to disagree that I'm wrong.

People are morons.

The Supermoon stuff is not odd or misguided. NASA knows what gets people interested, and it is in NASA's interest to drum up interest in science, especially though its own PR, so people care about its funding.

Oh, they did. But the difference is, they were wrong. They felt America was dead because a black man was president. It didn't matter that unemployment fell and the economy and stocks went up. He was black. In this case, however. America is dead because an inarguably incompetent Russian puppet is going to be

"We are uncreative people," network executives said in a statement. "We are timid souls who are afraid of the new and think forty-year-old properties that were very much a product of their era are a safer bet than — ugh! — trying new ideas. Ideas," they clarified, "of which we have none."

Don't care, America dead

* indifferent

* its

* its

That assertion is simply untrue. They couldn't be further apart - in preparedness, eloquence, temperament, sensitivity, humor, affability, or any other trait you care to name. Trump is a whining, thin-skinned, vindictive, unfriendly, amoral, avaricious consumer of people, credit and resources. Obama is the opposite

Hitler was busy elsewhere; he had some respect for the Swiss people and their traditions; they had nothing he needed immediately.

That Questionable Science show is pretty funny!

I never at any time of my life liked the band KISS. I don't think youth is an excuse for thinking they were in any sense a good band.

There is that, but then I would prefer 'alt-Republican' for the full effect.

Please stop using the term alt-right to describe racists and misogynists.

Am I Stupid? Or Idiot! is my new favorite.