Francis Parsons

Breaking: Annette Chavez has no idea what a spoonerism is.

Really, Honestly, No One Cares, Internet: The Even Sadder than Everyone Hates it, Internet Internet Answer

You can't read good

Who puts that tentacle guy's loincloth on him every morning??

Why is the Elvis boxed set so cheap? If there are really 60 albums on there, that comes to $3.50 apiece. Why don't other collections have that kind of pricing?

Freaks and Geeks — now there's a show I will never revisit, speaking of. It was fantastic. But I can never revisit it, because it stopped without an ending. If Paul Feig and Judd Apatow ever produce a second season, with new actors, that takes place right after the first, then I'll rewatch it. Otherwise, no. Too

My favorite U2 album by leaps and bounds.

And there's apparently some show where Lucy Lawless gets naked! The possibilities are endless.

There's just way, way, WAY too much great TV and movie making these days. To revisit old series seems like a waste of time to me. There's Orange is the New Black, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Grace and Frankie, Bojack Horseman, Game of Thrones, Justified… just endless amounts of stuff I haven't finished or even begun

You mean Dirty Mind Dissexia

* its

These looks great!


Well, when you book a show with this rapper, that's the… Chance you take.

I stopped comprehending the written word after "Lucy Lawless gets naked" and had to take a cold shower before I could continue.

This isn't a good job.

Can it be? A "Good job, Internet!" in which someone has actually done… a good job??

I mean: Sad!

That is absolutely true. It really is sad.

Looking forward to Trump's inevitable tweet.