Francis Parsons

This is the lamest let-down since that other lame let-down that was the lamest let-down ever.

I agree that it is a decent, dated, and deeply flawed album. Not by any stretch a masterpiece.

That is sincerely hilarious.

Ha! I'm 46.

You are very naive.

I hope he chainsaws his own leg off live on air.

I am happy about this news, but cannot celebrate until our long national nightmare is over and Trump is put back into the sulphur shitholes of Tartarus where he belongs.

* extent

This is terrific!

My then-college girlfriend (later wife, later ex-wife) loved that show. To this day whenever I see it mentioned I am always transported by young lust, domestic contentment, and bemused apathy in rapid succession.

What an image!

Man, he was the best kid's host ever. He WAS that show.

It's where it's always been:

This is definitely going on the Archmage's Greatest Hits comment compilation.

The Birds is the obvious answer. Silliest Hitchcock film ever.

No! Keep doing it!

I agree. I did not think Kevin Roberts was more than mildly amusing.

Because it is the third funniest sketch SNL has ever done.

This man is the anti-Emeril.

Seems legit.