Francis Parsons


I remember liking that one, though I'm afraid my memory of it is dim.

That was the best SNL skit I have ever seen.

I've been to ten and they were all fantastic.

I've been a dylan fan for nearly 30 years now and the problem with this is, the man has said so many damn things about himself over the decades. He's said that he doesn't care about awards (but he was there for the Kennedy Center Honor from Obama), He's also said that he is frustrated that few people really see the

* Homeless Chronicles, not Chronicled
* a thread, not a Thread
* that's what writers know, not that's what editors are for

I don't feel written under the table.

* its future

* its

That was terrible.

Boy, that new song he dropped, You Want It Darker, is fantastic.

Sure. Just guzzle lighter fluid. Everything is an abyss of meaningless putrid garbage which ends in the inevitable eternity of non-being anyway.

Because if there's any movie crying out for a live-action treatment, it's a movie about omnipotent genies and anthropomorphic flying carpets.

I thought about it, and I think those actions are actually pretty cool.

But he's so old and infirm!

Oh, I'm fine with it. If only a few thousand angry white racist science-denying conservatives die because of Matt Drudge's stupid conspiracy theories, it will all be worth it.

Me too!

Time, by Tom Waits.


I am not ashamed to admit that I have, in my life, pleasured myself to images of this woman.