Francis Parsons

I've never heard this song in its entirety and I don't intend to start now. Write a betterr song, Nelly.

The landed gent-tree.

Entire sentences were exchanged!

Netflix is falling down on the crucial job of ordering more seasons.

For a show WHOSE stock in trade.

By the way, I love your explanation for the crossover. "Magic! Quasi-science! Some truly awful exposition! And now for the good part!"

Unrealistic, yes, but still worth hoping for.

Yes, it is.

DC is using watchmen in the DCU? That's a slap in the face of Moore, but more importantly to me, it doesn't make a damn bit of sense. Watchmen only works if it is the only world that ever had costumed types.

Guy Incognito is indeed one of the contenders.

Sam Spade.

You are 360 degrees of wrong. "Chantilly Lace" is brilliant, and was referenced and appropriated by no less a luminary than Tom Waits in his concert video "Big Time."

Even funnier after Satan's edit.

Bro-hug it out, you two!

I loved the weather guy getting more flustered with the video tech not zooming in on the funnel cloud. Maybe they were doing it on purpose?

What if Satan really was a pampered, whiny, entitled, thin-skinned fallen angel* who was always complaining how God stacked the deck against him? Fallen angels: the last oppressible group in this PC culture out of control, amirite??

Clever, deserves more upvotes

"it was like, who’s life is this"

The second one is a panache of a particular Peanuts strip, down to the ellipses. Pense is a plagiarist!

You mean that time you made up the time Family Guy was funny?