Francis Parsons

Because nothing lends itself to live action like a giant floating peach boat and some human-sized, talking bugs.

That Republicans find Ann Coulter attractive in any way just provides more proof — if proof were needed given the inordinate amount of Republicans arrested in public bathrooms — that all conservatives are repressed gays.

I never understood the love for Dexter. I watched the first season and found it to be clunkily written, with a premise that is nowhere near as mind-blowing as the fans seem to think it is. There have always been anti-heroes. And the story arc contained zero surprises. Gee, do you think the creepy prosthetics guy

What is it called?

Get to work you slacker

"I was in Leeds for the vote. Actually — funny story — I was voting too. Because I'm from Leeds. I'm British. Well, my dad is British. He was born in Leeds."

Yes, this cognitive dissonance is what his supporters are not getting.

I see what you did there.

This band, whose record sales are falling rapidly, by the way, used to have a great name. Very memorable. Now it's just three letters. Uninteresting and forgettable. These are not smart people! Sad.

Yes, as I said, the plot has many problems. Again — apparently it needs repeating for the cheap seats — what I was arguing was that the PREMISE of the group's existence is not the movie's worst problem, as per the article.

You're redundant.

No, not really.

New Sugar Plum fairy, Little Mermaid live action movie, Rocky Horror remake, Beaches remake…

Or Dad owns a die that is sometimes

I haven't! Thanks for the recommendation!

So, a proud ignoramus, then?

Brave New World is one of the best novels. Prescient and chilling. I've read it three times and always find some new brilliant idea in it.

It's not their entire schtick. In fact, with Patton Oswalt, gender and sex is very little of what he talks about.

He's not poor!

That is hilarious.