Francis Parsons

One, people who are embarrassed about listening to fun music (Mighty Mighty Bosstones? Nothing to be ashamed of) that they once liked are wasting valuable time on Earth.

A big cheer for March, which is a fantastic book and one of the few that I would recommend to even people who actively dislike graphic storytelling (funny books).

Ugh, Insterstellar Justice Warriors, am I right?!

Oh yes they can. And will. Have you ever dealt with the public?

They only did it so that they could wear
Their terry underwear
And feel the city air
Run past their body


Illiterate Caption Too Hard To Read, No One Cares

I literally feel nauseated just looking at that.

I bought this band's self-titled album (remastered!) as a joke. Now, I have a wide variety of music that I love and appreciate, from Ella Fitzgerald to Rancid, Lupe Fiasco to Woody Guthrie, Ween to Squirrel Nut Zippers, but I could not listen to that record even ironically. It is just utter garbage. I ended up

It's like they were describing Jimmy Smits!

Calm down, fatty.

I googled her. I haven't seen anything she's in, or I don't remember. Please make your want-to-bang references more famous.

Great story, or best story?

I was talking about the movie. In the comics, her characterization is handled with various skill, but often as a caricature. I will grant that a few writers have really gotten at the core sadness of her false empowerment.

You should close your drapes. And fix your keyboard.

If I can get Shia LaBeouf just once to scoff and insult my post, then I have truly lived well.

No, we're not.

If you really don't know the difference between ladies ogling a dude on Twitter and an entire multi-billion-dollar industry giving female actresses reductive roles, I'm surprised you can use a keyboard.

You don't know how to use apostrophes correctly. USA!!

Nope. This is exactly the kind of sharp satire he is lionized for.