Francis Parsons

Okay, let the stoning begin.

I've never heard of that Paul McCartney song, but I just listened to it, and Gwen is right. It is unbelievably terrible. Simple repetitive banal lyrics, overused cheesy synths, as dull as a metronome.

Yes, she does.

And lazy, hacky, derivative, and unfunny. Sometimes he is those things.

Let's see. It's like they're two sides of the same… Same…

SNL is where comedy and fresh ideas go to die, but I will agree that Peter Dinklage treats that role like it might win him an Oscar. Space Pants!


Oh, and I guess that blind lawyer Murdock is actually Daredevil, too. Stupid!

THAT'S King Arthur? Terrible casting. No gravitas. He could be Mordred, maybe. He walks like an orangutan.

I am not alluding to the AV Club's coverage.

And these particular people are not "thugs" because….



This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

Animal Man after Grant Morrison.

Much better!

Ooh! Maybe it'll be called "Who Gives a Damn?" or "Just What the World Needs, Another Vacuous Talk Show By a Movie Star With Little to Say."

My very favorite MST3K line of all the episodes

But how many hours of beef are they consuming in a day?

* free rein