Francis Parsons

I like that one

'Merica: Where somehow an old white billionaire, the son and heir of a multi-millionaire, somehow isn't "the global elite" and "will save us from the establishment."

The worst crime is that dion also has a song called Run-Around Sue, in which he calls out a woman for being exactly like the dickhead in The Wanderer.

Well, the first movie was a steaming pile of pandering jingoistic crap with a really stupid ending, so I don't know why anyone would expect any different.

A Midwinter's Tale. The best Kenneth Branagh movie ever. Unavailable in the US.

Tidily, perhaps, was the word you were groping for, sir.

more correctly spelled 'Batin'

Alot??? ARGH

How would the Welsh neighbor from Vicious be a match for those supernatural characters?

Fat guy fight!

That shows what you know. I can quit any time.

* they're

Not ghosts! Ghostbusters! Ghosts don't have willies.

Hey! This isn't funny.

That's because everyone here is a fat neckbeard who resents "their" culture being appropriated for larfs.

Wow! That's great!

You can't be a priest or a Ghostbuster unless you have a willy! God says so.

He needs to winnow out his paltry collection of 2,000 CDs? That's hilarious. What an amateur. Buy more CD carry cases, monkey!

Nice job not getting it. And misspelling "word."

Can I give you an explicaucasian of it?