Francis Parsons

There is nothing wrong with liking what you like. And me, I like to laugh at young idiots who use the terms "sell-out" or "dad music" when talking about taste.

Yeah,get on it, Newswire!

Talkin' bout left my wallet in El Segundo. You know, they calls it hippity-hop music,but it don't make me want to go hippity-hop. do you know what they call colored folks in them songs?

The band being assembled in the Afterlife this year is certainly eclectic.


That has nothing to do with whether he phones in his lines to the RECORDING STUDIO.

I have never knowingly heard a Maroon 5 song, so I'm winning.

Not even the boobies?

Where is Ralph Nader when you need him? Probably off on his own boat, having drinks and hors d'oeuvres with the corporate paymasters who really run the western world.

I wouldn't kick her out of bed, though.

That's reasonable, and well stated!

Because old things are all uniformly terrible! Better listen to Justin Bieber and all that other garbage. Because it's new, so good!

Couldn't have put it better myself unless I were paid to put effort into doing so.

So YOU say. Me, I says zzzz.

I think people should refer to all vampires as Dr. Ackulas.

Then you haven't truly lived.

I LOVED Rubin and Ed. "I want you to meet my mother."

I don't like Radiohead. Snoresville, man.

I have met enough people who are very odd that I would be willing to believe this is real.

Any Wire viewer who didn't see Omar's death coming as soon as he stepped in that convenience store is bad at interpreting narrative.