Francis Parsons

No, it wasn't.

* throes

People who use the term "social justice warriors" are all fat, sexually frustrated single children with neckbeards.

Really, at this point, why tour?

I'd lay hands on her. Eh? EH???

"No, no, man. You're not getting what I mean. So let me repeat what I just said, in the exact same words, several times." — Dennis Hopper, apparently

These are all great reasons, especially the cards inside with the artists' notes or lyrics. I still buy CDs.

Made of Dimes! Flock of Oak! Open Moon Eagle! What Mike Things!

Before he kills us with arrows.

WHAT did you do to Claire?

I know! But that's why it is so awesome. I can't understand why more people don't get this. It's really melodramatic and ham fisted and filled with a sense of its own importance. That's why I binge watch it.

Them people worship a god with one eye who talks to crows.

* its

Token Back to Broooooooooklyyynnnnn

"Gunsel" is the best, secret reference.

What was it like?

I knew about the decline. I gradually stopped paying much attention, which became stopped paying any attention, and now that I actually watched that the difference between then and now is really, sadly stark.

I really am. I was in college when the Simpsons started. I used to watch every episode repeatedly. It was brilliant. It was ahead of its time. It was inventive and original and boundary-pushing and hilarious.

Wow, that is unbelievably unfunny.

How does it feel to be a smarty married to a dum-dum?