Francis Parsons

"His first tour de force, Maggots, remains almost literally unreadable, hundreds of tiny cramped pages of sketchy figures interacting in a dark inky subterranean realm"

That is powerful stuff. I think your fanfiction should be published.

This guy is wise and likeable.

I'm starting to think that this show is not a comedy.

I can't listen to that song.

That is really pathetic and sad. "It sure was hot when you answered / didn't answer that trivia question with your lady mouth. A heh hurrr."

The Apartment is the best movie on this list (except maybe Annie Hall?).

Anye… one at all could have done it?

"Do not be alarmed. Continue swimming naked. Aw, come on! Continue!"

It's shaping up to be some sort of season of rejuvenation and warming of the earth for Hitler.

And Jar Jar, really explore the space this time.

I found the song banal, incredibly repetitive and unmelodic. I do think the video has somewhat interesting imagery. Other than that, what is all the swooning and gasping about?

In Open Water 2: Adrift, a group of friends is horsing around on a boat, resulting in them all winding up in the water

Bring them to the USA where they belong! Fuck the UK!

Yes, gabwin is wrong and a fool.

I don't necessarily agree with the idea that open borders can ruin a country's culture or change its status quo for the worse, but I don't think condemning a metal album for a point of view that isn't, on its face, violently extreme is something a critic ought to do.

You can't be in the band unless you have a black jacket over a dark shirt!

I would also like to reiterate that the actress is really quite incredibly good-looking.

That's a good point.

* eons