Francis Parsons

The military vet and own stunts is very intriguing. It seems to be pretty good casting; the young comment was more for the actress herself than representing WW, who is as you say ageless. Can a young person carry themselves as a much older person? It's not easy.

This is why existentialism hit it big.

I have never heard of this actress. She's very young and may lack the gravitas to play a figure like Wonder Woman, but she is incredibly beautiful, so there's that.

He also saved all those tedious, plodding, juvenile movies about that nerd who goes to nerd magic school.

See them now, before the grim spectre of death overtakes them.

What a well-spoken fellow.

Feeling more sexy than a pregnant toad?

I'm Only Going to Tell This Story One Marr Time

Yes! Better than the original.

People will be humiliated and mocked for the chance to be on TV. I thought that was obvious.

"It is sad because you would like to believe that everyone is unique and then they disappoint you every time by being exactly the same, asking for the same things, reciting the exact same lines as though they had been handed a script."

Some things are not worth taking down.

I don't mind cinematic violence if it serves a purpose. I don't mind amoral or sketchy characters. I don't even mind a pervasive atmosphere of "melancholy, alienation, and spiritual corruption."

Thanks, nerd!

The same could be said about Hawkeye, yes. He could be made into a viable movie lead.

Rouge One: the new blush from Chanel.

The old trailer for Batman v. Superman made me wince.

I know almost nothing about wrestling, aside from what the average non-fan hears about when it permeates mainstream culture. But man, that Shockmaster video is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

"Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige maintains that the character works better as part of a team and therefore couldn’t star in her own film."

My resolution is to continue not gaming, at all, ever, and not know a damn thing about the industry or the products, except Bejeweled and Play Magnus and QuizUp.