Francis Parsons

Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend is one of the very few movies I have walked out of / stopped watching. I almost never don't finish movies. But that one was just too stupid.

No. Just because he is famous enough now to be able to hire or absorb into his orbit producers and writers of some talent doesn't mean he needs any attention at all. Let us all remember that time he peed in a janitor's bucket because he is a stupid douchebag.

I thought this was common knowledge?

"The minority is always right, you old lech."
-Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People

The only place where this comedian goes wrong in this feature is in calling Taylor Swift, a weird looking angular person, a super hot woman.

Not upvoted for not spelling Muhammad Ali right.

Well said.

I remember that! What a great show.

I'd watch that

I have always hated Journey. And Foreigner! Man, fuck Foreigner.

There is exactly One cool person in that band photo.

Wolf Creek is vile garbage with no valid reason for existing.

That ought to be the norm. No one well-adjusted should "enjoy" the Saw movies in any way. They should repulse and anger a civilized, intelligent person.

I caught the Oliver Jones reference, because I am old.

The news from his personal life sucks, but I'm glad the guy is getting back to what he does. However, I was under the impression that health was preventing him from drumming ever again. Am I recalling correctly?

Sometimes I feel like the world has lost all perspective. I mean… Are we really getting up in arms about this? He's right. Just like Constantine can't be an American non-smoking vegan Christian. It's not the way he was written. It's not the core of the character. It would be some other character. A gay James

With that pencil thin mustache, young Prince looks somewhat like old Bob Dylan.

It is! It is one way to live! That is most accurate!

Girl who thinks she's hot says something offensive, smiles sweetly at the hilarious juxtaposition of the nice looking girl with the potty mouth, repeats a thousand times. Boring.

If you have reading trouble you shouldn't be embarrassed. Unable-to-figure-stuff-out-by-looking-at-words-ism affects nearly 300 million Americans.