Francis Parsons

Sure to make everyone reading this article say "My sentiments exactly! Every judgement ringing true":

That is my favorite version of Everyday. No lie!

Now that is wrapping everything up with a well-timed, apt quote. Nice.

Have you ever wondered about paper clips?

Uncanny. It's like I was in the room with the real Jerry.

That's an absurd charge. I can totally believe that it is explicit.

That's more time than I can listen to Sarah Silverman. Same reason. Boring.

I'd rather hear this news about Green Day.

Counterpoint: You don't understand English punctuation or syntax. Also: Your use of the colloquialism (?) "hang him" reveals your true white-hooded self under the very thin, flimsy mask of someone pretending to do an impression of someone who can think.

You talk about poison in fiction and you don't mention The Princes Bride? That's…

You two are crazy. Nutella is the angels' toejam.

Also the terrible movies Stand Up Guys and Tough Guys. Old gangsters show the young folks how it's done.

Exactly what I scrolled down to write.

I have long fantasized about coming into Kylie Minogue's world.

I tend two agree

This is one of the few Hatesongs that justifies the series. He is on point and he has genuine criticism of the lyrics.

Now that's humor.

* extent. Extant means existing.

Every POUR? Are you dictating your comments to a bad voice recognition program?

There is no reason this asshole or any of his family should be well known. Horrible, vile little person.