Francis Parsons

Nothing in the world of fast food repulses me more than the idea of telling a human being they can "fill themselves up" for five bucks.

Yeah, as someone else here mentioned, it is much more interesting to have a small skilled badass than a hulking man mountain whom everyone would fear anyway.

I think it's so hilarious that people are irked that Tom Cruise isn't as tall as a fictional character.

So many Simpsons moments.

No, that is something up with which I cannot put.

That, by definition, isn't possible, as I would then be a participant.

A shame Patton Oswald's epic rageball rant got cut off.

That would be utterly hilarious to see as a third-party observer. Probably not so much to experience.

Upvoted for correct use of whom

"I think I’d pick Groucho Marx just because I want to be a Stooge."

Oh! I've seen that show. I had no idea that actress was regarded as the Cutie Pie of the Internets.

I love Fool Us!

I don't know who Alison Brie is. I get her confused with the nerd girl who wrote that memoir recently and was in Dr Horrible.

I read Variety for the centerfolds of hot film stars

All I remember is when the demon-guy growls indignantly, "She took my eggs!"

This news makes me so happy, I'm glad for the strategically placed hole in my bunny suit.

Yes, I have heard of both of those studies. Chilling what we think we know but don't know we don't know.

Okay, you're not too bitter. Now get off your fat ass and go ask some girls out!

I think I'm going to go with the faulty memory theory.

I have done so in the past, but I'm going to stop encouraging you to not worry about your appearance and go out there and try to date. You're too bitter.