Francis Parsons

I believe he is a macaque.

Also, the show wasn't good.

Oh damn. I didn't even put that together. Good catch.

I have been amazed at the voice work. From all the principals, yes, but also Garry Marshall and Olivia Wilde. One over-the-top crazy funny, one unbelievably deep and human. Just terrific acting.

This entire comment makes no sense.

The comments to this article seem to have unanimously jumped the tracks from "Was Stewart's impression genuinely inappropriate?" to "Is getting mad occasionally a big deal?"

I'm surprised this Salon piece wasn't mentioned in this context:

Maybe if you had smiled more.

I totally missed that easter egg! That is hilarious.

Nice subbing, but please less "retell the entire episode" variety of review. If we're reading, we watched it, no?

The sounds like the worst pop culture thing ever foisted upon the world, with the constant and necessary exception of the comic strip Crock.

Don't be ridiculous. There is clearly no moral grey area. Did you not even WATCH the ad?!

That's not how you friend someone! Stop doing that!!

Same ditto.

Okay. So that was a poorly made video for an overly-earnest, unclever song about a TV character. Good Job, Internet?

Pretty Lame, Internet

But is it about Star Wars? Why is it called Star Wars?

Okay then. I'm not the one thinking a small young woman dressed in a stuffed animal costume singing in a high pitched voice is the cuddliest mouse bear on earth.

Your face has a consistency gap.

This show is goddam brilliant. It exists on another plane entirely. I'm not sure it can even be graded with mere letters. It can only be savored and meditated upon. And yes, I am serious.