Francis Parsons

"…if it weren't America's Favorite Comedy, I probably wouldn't have an issue with it at all"

* its obvious limitations

That struck me as a creepy video with undertones of pedophilia.

I hate this person and I haven't even ever heard any of her terrible music.

My girlfriend is a lawyer.

Maybe…. no one is.

Because some day someone will get it right, damn it!

Also, damn! Jennifer Esposito. Daaaaaaamn.

I thought the racism-themed Crash was quite good and am always amazed when people heap scorn on it. Is it the best or most important movie on race issues? No, but it's well executed and deals with the issue intelligently. More people should see it. I'm glad it got the Oscar for that reason.

I always think it's sadlarious when "professional" pop culture writers haven't heard of essential, seminal stuff like the band The Wire. I'm not even a fan. But to be a pop culture "journalist" and not to have heard of them? Unpossible.

HA! You are unfamiliar with muscles, you doughy softie.

"Darryl Strawberry! I play right field too, so are you better than me?"
"Well, I never met you, but… yes."

I never heard of this guy, but I get an inexplicable feeling of loathing reading his answers. Like he just begs to be smacked in the mouth.

Who did what with the who now?

Who did what to the who now?

"Neil Diamond Cool Rating: 9."

That's the best one I've ever seen.

"Diamond’s long career has definitely had its peaks (“America”) and valleys (“Song Sung Blue”)."

What? Eh? Could you dumb it down a little?

What's that?