Francis Parsons

Nice one.

You didn't hurt my feelings! What an odd thing to say. In fact, I had forgotten about your comment and your existence until I saw this reply just now.

No. Just no. Go to hell. Jackass.

I really, really hate Madam Panhandler and his stupid, unfunny, sophomoric, crude, misogynistic, unfunny, exploitative, lowest common denominator pandering, derivative, unfunny movies.

The interview certainly reveals a very down to earth, unassuming, but talented, actress.

Me too!

Yes, anime is for children and the legally retarded.

I don't want Fop, dammit! I'm a Dapper Dan man.

I saw the Pixies once. They were okay.

Billy Madison is one of the worst comedies of all times, excluding all the other "comedies" Adam Sandler has made since.

Headline should read "Two old bands that are still gasping for life"

That is a sad story. Really.

Second prize: SIX of Brad Meltzer's political thrillers and a $150 gift card.

* machines

My father and I absolutely loved Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins, and young Francis was astounded the film didn't turn into a massive hit franchise.

This list is insanely ridiculous. There are a large amount of deep Beatles cuts that are mediocre to skippable. To choose hits and loved cuts for this list is just being a big old AV Club Staff Writer Troll. Seriously.

I'll tell you one thing. I am looking forward to them finally explaining why they felt the need to glorify all that smoking and drinking!

* its fans

Cheap Trick fans love their Cheap Trick.

I really know almost nothing about Wire, but upvoted because I love statements like this.