Francis Parsons

Wise words on online dating.

I remember distinctly thinking how apt Billy Bragg's "You Woke Up My Neighborhood" playing was the morning my (now ex-)wife came home at 7 in the morning after having cheated on me. Luckily, my love for Bragg and that quite good song has outlasted the shitty memory, and I can put the the song on today with only a few

My favorite is Backspacer

What do ethnics in consulting have to do with anything? I guess because they are under-represented?

I'm not bald.


How is babby formed

I empathize with the lingering anger at the assholes. I'd like to be the monk in the story, who left the woman on the other bank miles back and then forgot her, but I'm much more like the other uptight monk who couldn't let go of it. I'd be kicking myself about what I did and didn't do and should have done about the

Who's on first?

I'm not sure you understand what happened here. But I respect your right to babble angrily about it.

Second prize: TWO copies of his new CD, The Pale Emperor.

The point does remain, but I think I made it.

I have never eaten there. Surely it is better than Taco Bell? I have eaten the bean and cheese things there maybe three times in my adult life.

To tell you the truth I never thought it sounded very similar. But then I listen to a lot of very minimalist music (CCR, Chuck Berry, Irish folk, Rancid).

Of course. But not allowed to not accompany the girlfriend to a concert. That way lies madness. You don't anger the gods like that.

Dig though the ditches and burn through the witches and slam in the back of my

Well, sure, but she didn't have the internet available to her, did she?

Oh yes, many, but I'm afraid I'm the most procrastination-prone portrait painter you've ever seen.

I saw the Journey documentary about the new singer, inevitably titled Don't Stop Believin'. I am no Journey fan but man that kid can sing, and his rags-to-riches Cinderella story is certainly interesting. The film itself was okay, nothing groundbreaking. I also saw Welcome to the Jungle, the Jean Claude Van Damme

I really enjoy reading your updates, ICP. I'm glad you went on a real date (instead of being clumsily insulted by an ice-hearted older gentleman). I had a bad night with my girlfriend (she's a mean drunk), but the make-up sex nearly made it all worth it. I thought you would enjoy knowing that.