Francis Parsons

Thank you. I expected the blizzard of masturbation/drinking/etc jokes but hoped there'd be a real answer in there somewhere.

What is a two-hander in this context?

Remo Williams!
Mystery Men!
Master And Commander!

Made me twitch too.

I thought the trailer made it seem pretty funny.

People still teach Latin? I am genuinely surprised.

Note to self: short story about robot with Luddite tendencies - great idea!

You aren't supposed to throw it in the toilet!

Little Weapon is a masterpiece.

What a completely deluded moron.

Top favorite for sentimental reasons: Oh, sounds delish! Just let me toss on some jeans, and — hey, who is this?!

Sons of the soil. The soil.

That is an awesome quote.

It's not bad. I have more wisdom and perspective and a certain forgiving quality that I didn't have in my 20s or even early 30s. But physically it isn't great. The gears of the body's machine are eroded by the sands of time more every day. It beats the alternative but it isn't fun to contemplate nonetheless.

I like gelato. My favorite ice creams tend to have crunchy textures and bits in them, like Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream or Chubby Hubby.

That Eddie Murphy sketch is quite amusing!

Yes, he did!

Surely you did not know that name without Googling it! If you knew it off the top of your head, I'd be impressed enough to date you myself. And yes, that's a great line.

Surely that will get you a veritable blizzard of replies!

I remember getting into Life In Hell. I knew Groening as the guy who drew cynical rabbits long before the Simpsons happened. At our bulletin board in school there would always be a School is Hell strip tacked up before a teacher ripped it down. Ah, the good old days.