Francis Parsons

I am 43 and have back hair and a very beautiful girlfriend who loves me. So get over that issue and get out there.

My advice to you is don't go searching for deal-breakers. There are enough in the incredibly hard and narrow and treacherous road of relationships without people trying to create, Seinfeld-like, artificial deal breakers. So what if you have a lot in common? Go for it. See what happens.

How many people on AV club are single and how many in committed relationships, I wonder? Single and looking/wanting seems to be the default and mode setting.

Better and better. I distrust a close-mouthed man. He generally picks the wrong time to talk and says the wrong things. Talking's something you can't do judiciously, unless you keep in practice. Now, sir. We'll talk, if you like. I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk.

But was the gentleman's hair growing thin?

That would be a good AV question: What pop culture makes you cry, every time? Maybe it's been done.

That's if you're lucky.

I'm not trying to be a smart-ass but I am genuinely appalled by the number of AV staffers who haven't watched so many definitive classics of film. How can you write about pop culture with even a shred of credibility if you haven't watched the canon of classics? Really, it's ridiculous.

Every time I see one of your recaps I am reminded of my own castratingly shameful loss on Jeopardy! Damn you, Trebek!

It's cool to drive around in the Lincoln with the top down, but we'll get a lot more chicks if we take our shirts off.

Stewart was the only good thing about that movie.

The first three times I looked at this headline, I swear to Ganesh I thought it said "The Residents share…" and when I finally clicked on it, for the life of me I could not figured out why they had finally taken off the eyeball masks, and why there had been no fanfare about it.

I wish this show lasted ten seasons.

I lived it twice.

Second prize: TWO cabins on ShipRocked with Fred Durst.

I was expecting/hoping this article to have a hook like a specific prediction or, better yet, odds on where/how the couple would end up. Like, "Jack and Diane: will break up at 23, when they realize life is about more than teenage thrills and football. Odds of staying together: 95 to 1"

* its

The Ted Rankin sketch was super funny.

This is one of the funniest things I have ever read on this site.

I really liked the Christian Bale terminator film. I realize that makes me a pariah.