Francis Parsons

But that's her own joke. That's why her column is named that. What snark?

If your franchise can be hurt by the Austin Powers movies, maybe it deserves to die.

This was one of the nastiest crimes in modern American history. In a way I am sorry there's a movie about it. That horrible torturer died many years later, mostly unrepentant and blaming the drugs. Shit. Everyone even remotely involved should have been burned alive and their names blotted out of history.

I advise you not to attend that.

We used to watch this Claymation Christmas special that had a dinosaur Siskel and Ebert and three camels singing the chorus to "We Three Kings." It was beautiful.

No. I am too short to see the back of the crowd.

"in an ouroboro of positive reinforcement" It's ouroboros, but who's counting your spelling mistakes?

Everyone here is tall and thin except me.

Not "My favorite crypted." He said cryptid. Cryptid, you illiterate morons. Look it up.

I see what you did there.

I don't have a dog in the soda/pop fight, but I don't like it when people (I'm looking at you, Oregonians) say "sack" instead of "bag."

My girlfriend and I play-fight over dialect choices at times, but the only time I felt actual revulsion was when she defended the phrase "What kind of Coke do you want?" I WILL END HER FOR THAT.

The ending of Stalag 17 makes it a decent movie; until the end it is pretty poorly made.

I'm not ashamed to say that I thought *exactly* the same thing when Starlord said "give a crap." Drax doesn't get idioms! You hammer that home, then use an idiom in a glaring, plot-pivotal moment, and… nothing? They dropped the ball on that one.

"Serignese also claims that she continued to have intermittent contact
with Cosby—including allowing him to put her up in the Hilton penthouse
“until he kicked her out after she had a pregnancy scare”—and even had
another, apparently consensual sexual encounter with him in 1985. That
relationship continued until well

No. Not at all. I never said anyone was lying. I don't believe anyone is lying. I just don't think people should be convicted by words alone, no matter how many people say the words. Sorry. I know you think the word of the accuser is enough. I don't. I believe in evidence.

First, I would change one word in your reply. I would change "experiences" to "stories." Secondly, I would like some evidence. Sadly, these accusations often contain no proof, coming as they do years after their alleged date.

There really is a religious fervor for those who are caught up in this band's wake. I described my newfound love for Hold Steady in exactly that way, many years ago when I first got into them. (My first HS concert, at which point the band was still unknown enough to invite the audience on stage with them to sing "We

I get the feeling there is something to these accusations, but damn, this man is being convicted over the internet by sheer force of attrition. I suspect that celebrated figures draw their fair share of scurrilous attempts at blackmail and flat-out false accusations from loonies. I'm not saying that's the case here,

My name is Gentle Herpes
I cook carrots, I don't stir peas
I'm the big dog, all y'all, you're fleas
I take the most amazing journeys
I drink fine wines and eat mature cheese
You think I'm soft? Nerd please
I can eat the honey, don't even incur bees