Francis Parsons

I hate those trailers!

Wow, you are really bad at reading.

You mean:
"I KNOW, ah…. when the crocodile is… is NEAR, because of this… this crazy ticking SOUND… You SEE, he had this WATCH…"

Whenever I see it. Fuck the Man!

She is funny in interviews and personable on TV and I like her voice work in movies and TV shows, but I find her stand up kind of meh. I think her attractiveness has gotten her farther than she would if she were not.

Pure luxury! The eighteen of us slept in a gutter, worked 36 hours a day, ate sandpaper, etc etc

He is a boring talentless hack. His albums are garbage.

What a fucking douchetool.

"Bloodclot" by Rancid. Great boxer's intro song. "I'm a bad motherfucker, so don't you even bother… I can see 360, I can see all around me."

Why is dedication on a different scale than the others?

I don't know, but you sure seem irked about it.

I'm a craft ice cream aficionado. Three Twins is good. Has anyone tried Phin & Phebe's? It's my current favorite, but then I haven't tried Jeni's yet.

obviously that were like wrong of us yeah

Aw crap, I just won Oasis.

Second prize: TWO copies of Oasis’ super deluxe (What’s The Story) Morning Glory box set.

They don't call me Fun-face for nothing.

Thanks for the replies, everyone. That was the first episode I ever saw. Also I was eating and drinking with friends while it was playing.

Okay, help.

I immediately thought the same. Why are they calling him a "moral" Dalek? He isn't anything of the kind. Just with reversed antipathy.

Man, video gamers don't even like to see hate-filled misogynistic scum gamers criticized! What a tight group. It's go team all the way with gamers!