Francisco Galárraga

@FrankenStang: An illustrator that has seen good movies!

@Michael Arago: Lo que tienes que hacer Michael, es salir de tu casa, con tu hermana y nunca volver. No mires atrás. Nunca más vuelvas a ese desastroso hogar. Pierde el contacto con la gente. No esperes que la gente se apiade de ti, y que haga algo por ti. Tu mismo tienes que hacer todo lo posible por escapar. Hay

@codylfrisbee1: I peronsally believe that if he confronted his agressor, like in a fight, he would've felt way much better now. It's the "animal" way of thinking, but it would've been a relief.

@Interstella5555: Great post. Thanks for sharing. Talking is a powerful healing force.

@codylfrisbee1: I hope my reply somehow promotes your comment. Help is around the corner for everybody, and everybody CAN improve with it no matter what.

@stre: That's the point Stre. The rapist did a good job at keeping him quiet. Very sad to be honest.

@FruitbatNT: Indeed. I cannot approve that decision of his at all. I believe that if he had decided to confront this individual, we wouldn't be reading this.

@electronymous: It would've helped either way. He just let it grow inside him, without releasing it. And he should've accused his attacker, in public. I would've, even if it didn't achieve him a just punishment for his actions, It would've make me at least reliefed a bit.

Looks interesting. Extreme sports such as this coupled with action are a fine mix if you ask me.

I just hope they don't ruin the storyline for the fans by revealing almost everything in the trailers like last time.

@99TelepodProblems: Intergalactic space junkies - the future of space observation.

@SGTalon: Of course not, but I'm pretty sure this rail gun will do little to stop a terrorist from killing thousands by dropping bio-chemical agents in one major cities water system.

@awer25: I know. Therefore these type of "innovations" are not that intimidating to start with.

@DaCrusher: Russia, China. Or else the US wouldn't be developing these weapons in the first place :D

@Fauxcused: I'm kinda pissed about the "trilogy" format game companies are working on. Why can't they make games with possible unending storylines? Not MMO, but single player stuff.