Francisco Galárraga

@Rawrnosaurous: Easy solution. The citadel gets destroyed/overwhelmed in the first few moments of ME3. The council gets dispersed. Game continues official EA store summary.

Fuck trilogies I never want Mass Effect to end.

@shwing: We've all seen WW2 related movies where terrible scenes of Jews being slaughtered in the most different ways possible occur, which could also be said were not in "good taste", but are accepted non the less because we justify it as a representation of the real thing. But when someone tries to do a "What if"

ME2, Cause It's the only one of the list I got to play so far.

What's so amazing about this? just 4 faces.

@Eggyhead85: More like Real madrid versus Barcelona.

@johnnyabnormal: They would still be very valuable here, since it would cost a shit load of money to go there, establish mining operations and come back. By the time we have the tech to do that though, I'm pretty sure our race will have expanded a lot through out space and closer star systems, where more "traditional"

@MadeOfQuarks: You must have the self-confidence of a newborn to whine over a video that's clearly labeled as a joke.

@Michael Scrip: Your right about creative pros never going to fully assimilate the cloud. But I guess google won't be marketing this stuff towards us to begin with.

On the other hand this sort of stuff would be badass against some sort of alien invasion.

All this will do is make the enemies of the US become even more creative in their methods of causing harm: more terrorist type attacks (bacterial warfare, chemical warfare, dirty nukes, hacking, kamikaze runs, etc). Not so the other super powers which I'm pretty sure are already developing similar technology, or maybe

@DaCrusher: So you are naive enough to think that the other world's superpowers haven't thought of similar technology? Lol. Even if they haven't, I'm guessing by reading this gizmodo article they'll be like "Ok, we better start doing some research, like right now."

@Walter Cronkite: This vid is way better than the Dow2 intro IMO. More feeling to it. But it doesn't top the DoW1 intro. That was epic!

@JesusDeSaad: Poor Rob! But yeah he can't draw feet.

This was hilarious :D

@Onion-Knight: Yeah, I used to play the demos all the time in my computer. Getting to do some of the harder tricks was difficult as fuck however.