Francisco Galárraga

But it looks fun? Fun can't be bad. But indeed BF3 looks tons better in the graphic department. To be honest, I only liked COD for the fun SP.

PC Gaming doesn't need saving, it just needs hardware manufacturers to think of uses outside of the gaming box. I could see tons of uses that that fancy UI screen that this Razer has on it's keyboard besides games (Adobe Creative Suite apps, 3D apps, Office, etc). But besides that, there is really little innovation.

I have them, and indeed it's looking fantastic. CoD3 & BF3 FTW!

I'm dissapointed he didn't mention Company Of Heroes Online (which pretty much had all the positive stuff he mentioned), or the gameplay of Dawn of War series, which would work pretty well in a MMO setting. Hopefully Dawn of War 3 will be a MMORTS, and if CoHo was any indication, it seems it's kinda going to be that

I'm dissapointed he didn't mention Company Of Heroes Online (which pretty much had all the positive stuff he mentioned), or the gameplay of Dawn of War series, which would work pretty well in a MMO setting. Hopefully Dawn of War 3 will be a MMORTS, and if CoHo was any indication, it seems it's kinda going to be that

I'm dissapointed he didn't mention Company Of Heroes Online (which pretty much had all the positive stuff he mentioned), or the gameplay of Dawn of War series, which would work pretty well in a MMO setting. Hopefully Dawn of War 3 will be a MMORTS, and if CoHo was any indication, it seems it's kinda going to be that

Might make an interesting trophy!

I'm getting it. Looks awesome.

Fuck it! This seems epic beyond belief! No matter how "simple" the gameplay seems, or how "repetive it may seem, WW3 is looking hot! The MW games have always surprised me on their entertaining SP campaigns and effects (nuke explosion in MW1, second nuke explosion from SPACE in MW2 bieng my highlights). I hope the

It's about both I think. Funny eitherway!

Well, I'm not on the hate BRINK bandwagon (looks way better and more interesting and fun than TF2 IMO), but I have some games for your list: FEAR series, Borderlands, Doom 3, Prey. Maybe not the taste of everybody, but pretty good games all around.

IMO, it's not bad at all. Just highly weird and excentric!

Well, you could say he left him in there to die, But he didn't kill him with his own hands. Also he left a saw to his side, and made him choose basically: cut your own arms and live, or burn alive. That's much different from psychopath "i love blood" rorscach the movie shows.


I'm with you! IMO I think it rocks! I loved it as a kid, and all of my "kiddie" friends also loved it.

Spoiler: in the comic Rorschach didn't kill the dude in the burning house. This and lots of changes that made me notice that his reasons for not watching the movie are well founded.

I have a PC with both an AMD & Nvidia card hooked up to 1 monitor, which functions flawlessly. And I also have a new PS3 slim, which is franly an awesome device. I game on both, but I also work on the PC. (which cost me about 2500$ to years ago). Just enjoy your games people.

I like it a lot as well. It's very unique, creative in their interpretations of the universe and IMO, therefore not boring at all. I hope they someday release a blu-ray of it!

Indeed! On my new one too!

UT3 wasn't crap dude, IMO it was better than UT2004, but not quite as addictive as the original UT1 (which I played thousands upon thousands of hours). Even was national champ once haha (in Ecuador though).