Francisco Galárraga

@JesusDeSaad: Sam Spratt is a digital artist. But yeah, the list is kinda fishy. Specially the ipad suggestion. I specially love your Art Books suggestion though... can't get enough of those. Although there are better ones out there.

@ridgecity: This notion is sadly true.

@iamnomad: That's too far south and cold all year round! Go to Buenos Aires.

@RuckingFetard: It can be improved of course, but unless you have a very small monitor with a small resolution (small consumer grade laptop), then it really isn't an issue. And to be honest, when I'm working on a illustration, max tabs that I open are possibly 3-4 (1 for the main file, the rest for reference pics).

@Lexenerous Mexredorous: Not really man. It may not be a lot, but DSLR's have their essential uses. For example: Taking reference pictures (Poses, Scenery, Costumes, etc), Taking pictures of Textures. Googling or searching for them on art sites like Deviantart can only take you so far...

@octasquid wants ripfire4s 2bstar'd: It's really not that sneaky. To be fair, the workstation CPU is overkill for the average digital artist. Unless he's rendering TONS of full hd video, motion graphics or something like that.

@Reutnes: Get her some of these. [] It's like a marker, but with a brush tip... it's a miracle of technology :P

The David Guetta Effect. Nuff said.

@cavingman: I've never seen this before. Sounds awesome. Damn you Fergie, damn you.

IMO I personally think the Wii was successful due to it's color design and form factor. Being white, small, and noiseless and relatively simple, it appealed to the new "minimalism" crowd that Apple and similar companies were starting to push when this gen started. The PS3 was big, and bulky, and god forbid black. The

@pixelsnader: Or upgrade it, like, with a new video card. Or add another HD drive, or add more RAM. It's a nice idea to be honest, but they iMacs get out dated so quickly it's ridiculous. And also, the 27 inch glossy screen isn't good for print perfect reproductions.

@ddhboy: What's with the windows hate? Adobe loves Windows. CS was 64 bit on Windows first for example. Working in tabs is actually useful if you're used to internet browser tabs, which I guess pretty much every creative type is used to by now. And you can just drag the tab out of the window if you want to separate

@Yeah!: David Kassan just tried it out in a demo. You won't see him selling works of art made in it anytime soon.

@Kai Kadgien: Evilly expensive. But I still wan't one! Lottery tickets here we go...

@Mark 2000: I believe the ipad is useful to show off in meetings with clients and shit. "Oh, this guy must be successful!, since he bought an Ipad!, let's work with him!" I agree with you 100%. By the way are you an artist? Do you have a website?. Instead of an Ipad IMO they should buy the smaller version of the

@Habs: If you want to a bro, you'll buy a Wacom. No matter the price. Even if it's a bamboo. Nuff said.