Francisco Galárraga

I think you forgot a DSLR, specially the new ones that come with HD video. I think it's essential for the digital artist of today... the possibilities are endless!

@chalkshark: I find it very hard to justify, since the city was in the way of the lake/quarry, and the zombies somehow followed the trails in pitch darkness without missing a step and falling in there. You would've thought their rotted eyes wouldn't let them see shit. Even if they have a keen sense of smell, it

Lost Planet 3?

Wish list omg!

@iamnomad: Argentina is better dude trust me!

Jason Rainville I'm so proud of you, you made it too Kotaku you little kiddo you.

I'm guessing they don't clean that often you know, having wall surfaces showing concrete and stuff.

@Etarip: Ugly City your momma!

I dont know about their marketing strategy, but i really think they should somehow focus their efforts to third world countries, or places that dont have access to streaming services, which is like 80% of the worlds population. This box is perfect to be frank, the pros list by far overweighs its cons IMO. GIZ is

Most definitely.

@Eternal: I don't think it would be bad. Your arm would strengthen very fast and this gorilla arm effect wouldn't be noticeable me thinks.

@Bricked: You could program certain motions to do certain things, so yeah, it could work!

@nikiaf: I love you! haha... fantastic suggestion.

@Rhizzo: At 25 I hope I see it to. Or maybe get to go somewhere! Heh.

@thnikkamax: That would be awesome. Thanks for your post.