Francisco Galárraga

@SecretMoblin: I just skimmed it! It seems I suck at skimming.

This looks like a console game :(

Those next level beats are definitely made by a PC computer. DEFINITELY.

Psygnosis could easily have passed as a metal act in the past century.

Nobody said SoTC? WTf!!

PC Gaming will never die. It'll become the platform of choice for incoming indies or upstarts, and used as a stepping stone for the transition towards consoles wider audience. For example: The Witcher. And countless great indie games on steam, and of course, the only thing consoles can't get right: Real Strategy

@anduin1: Dude... did you know Valve is making Dota2? That's about as direct a shot can get at Blizzard, almost like a headshot.

I just think they want excuses to justify the long release time of the next chapter of the SC2 saga. They'll be like: "We weren't not doing anything, we were supporting the mod community by making mods ourselves!".

I wished the comparisons would be made with older gen cards that can run these games fine, like the 4870x2. Not all of us update our cards every gen you know...

I remember my mom playing this nearly every night after she came from work. We would be like, "dang, what a boring game. You should play Doom instead".

IMO, I think F2P only works for certain types of genres, specifically competitive games (strategy, fps). MMO's and other genres, like RPG's will have to find other ways to entice the consumer. Personally, I hope of cheaper games, and the death of paid DLC :P

It seems people forgot about SPRINGPAD. At least for Android. It kicks Evernotes ass.

This looks awesomely weird! Go Japan!

@PSWii2008: I hope she'll faily epicly.

@PSWii2008: Damn this is really worth jumping around. Not a freakin kinect.

@tuner_racer: IMO, he looks he doesn't give a fuck.

That's indeed pretty good.