Francisco Galárraga

Looks ice, I'll give you that, Black cars FTW.

I'd totally play a darker, more gritty, older zelda zelda game :P

@FragRev: +1 for Hotness / Cute factor.

@Ben Zvan: Damn that's expensive. Hopefully the future will be full frame on mostly everything (at least DSLR's : begginer to advanced)...

@Eric Swenson: Thanks for the explanation dude. No wonder I have to zoom the kit lens a bit in my Rebel T2i to have that effect.

Jeff Koons says: Been there, done that.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Dude!!! You ruined the moment for me... I just saw the trailer!

Man, I would love to see the Yoda as Miss Piggy recording... It sounds priceless!

The tv's look fantastic too be honest. Can't wait to check out the reviews.

Looks great, except that last motorcycle explosion scene, that looks cheesy as fuck.

@McMike: Omg is she pulling tha thing out of her...

@apjohnson: That's true. But APS-C is catching up, and bigger sized sensors are becoming cheaper to produce. You just watch.

@apjohnson: Yes, once I tried an Sony A900. Man it was a beast, the VF was incredibly big, and of course the shots were amazing. But in the end, I've seen pics taken with "lesser" cameras to be as good as what I've seen full frame users do. My point is: the photographer makes the pics, not the cams.

@Nath: Yeah, we need a whole bunch of cool apps. If they add skype, and android remote control, I would be sold to be honest.

@MMBman7171: Yeah, hipsters aren't bad. I really don't get why the word gets a bad connotation to be honest. Maybe it's because I don't live in the US.