Francisco Galárraga

@fELIXADER: Try looking for some trailers of it in youtube, the taliban point of view is definitley interesting, and no less harsh.

Fuck you USA, every country with the capability to make nuclear plants deserve them, not just you and your allies.

@Almightywhacko: Regarding quality: right now it's just 1080p, but wait until we get 2k, 4k res movies. Try streaming that.

@fELIXADER: I'm pretty sure they have lots of it: [] - but yeah they don't have the money for cool uniforms and new gadgets and shit.

@DocSeuss: @DocSeuss: I'm very glad you mention Half Life throughout this discussion - it really was a landmark in atmosphere & settings, all the way to it's expansion packs. The newers game that has made me feel like have been few and far in between, but I'd like to give my personal honors to the FEAR series, and

As everybody mentioned, everybody can do this today... and instead of making 3 different apps, why not just make 1 mega complicated BOOK app? At least it'll do the original justice in a complicated way.

@FiskFisk33: Taste bashing troll is still a troll. Get a life. Go hear your own music, but fuck you if need to bash other people's taste/culture just because you don't like it.

Chemical Brothers is always a good ST choice.

@pigsdofly: Dude the original game came out 10 years ago. It's obvious it's gonna look better today then before, you know because of better graphics?

@fELIXADER: It's more authentic than other games, sure, but to "defend" my tripwire scene criticism: if i'm in a platoon of soldiers, and one of the guys in the front steps on one, the last thing the rest of the platoon would do is charge ahead running and yelling like idiots with the almost 100% certainty that more

@DocSeuss: I think I didn't word myself correctly after reading your reply. The game is not focused on the story itself, it's focused on the feeling of story itself. Kinda like that LOTR example you gave. Stuff are just there, never given more explanation than what you see. Which is epic in itself! Overall, simplicity

@Holly: What Stingjc said.


I'd love if this has the option to mix the normal android and zune strenghts - For example pressing the home button will action the zune-like interface we see in the video, but it should let me slide to the side windows to see my widgets or app icons. Still, it looks like a promising start! I hope MS doesn't sue or

Man cops in the US are so polite. If you're drunk in Ecuador, don't mess with the cops. They'll fuckin kick your ass. And then take you to jail.

@Holly: It never was a rip off in the first place (thank god!).

@cutmaclass: It's one of the worst films ever. So overhyped, and so bad.

@LucasTizma: They're not the best graphics ever, but they suit the game nicely. But yeah some shadows edges are disturbingly jagged.